sábado, 21 de abril de 2018


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Speaking is a productive skill because it produces a language and has the purpose of communicating meanings through speech. The author Nunan (1991), defines this skill as a process in which people associate each other in order to formulate a message when they obtain an information. Furthermore, when we speak we use a variety of subskills like, grammar, vocabulary, and functions, also we use features of connected speech (Spratt, Pulverness, and, Williams,2011) Interactive strategies are also one of the fundamental things in speaking skills and this strategies includes gestures, eye contact or facial expressions. Moreover, fluency, accuracy, and appropriacy are significant aspects to build up a great speaking. Also, this skill contains a variety of text type such as telephone calls, giving a presentation, telling stories. To conclude, with the knowledge obtained from this unit I will apply tasks like information-gap activities, project work, and discussion taking in mind that also appropriate feedback and correction are important at the moment to evaluate students in the development of this skill (Brown, 2001). 

ü  Nunan, D. (1991). Language teaching methodology: A textbook for teachers. NewYork: Prentice Hall
ü  Sprat, M. Pulverness, A. & Williams, M. (2011). The TKT course. Modules 1,2,3. Second Edition.

ü  Brown, D. (2001)Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to languagepedagogy(2nd ed.). New York: Longman

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