sábado, 21 de abril de 2018


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Writing is a productive skill for that reason it communicates a message through different writing signs that form words and that words make sentences which need to be organized in a better way to create a clear message (Bram, 1995). Writing skills include different text types such as emails, postcards, stories etc. Also, text types will depend on whom the written will be addressed and it changes in terms of the formality, complexity of grammar and register. Additionally, there are two types of writing subskills accuracy and communicating. Accuracy, focused on the correct use of grammar like spelling, punctuation, joining letters together and write legibly in order to communicate and make the message understandable. On the other hand, the subskill that is communicating refers to include our ideas using a correct style, register, organization and the use of appropriate functions. Furthermore, something interesting for applies in a class was the different stages in writing process that must be applied in a class or a way to improve writing skills could be applying strategies such as literary models, freewriting, sentence combining using the Genre Process Approach (Jacobs,2002).

ü  Bram, B. (1995). Write well, improving writing skills. Kanisius.
ü  Sprat, M. Pulverness, A. & Williams, M. (2011). The TKT course. Modules 1,2,3. Second Edition.
ü  Jacobs, V. A. (2002). Reading, writing, and understanding. Readings in.

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