The term lexis is the word or set of words which has a meaning. According to Scrivener (2005) defines the word lexis such as a combination of words that we can use without a previous knowledge of grammar. On the other hand, words have various types of meaning between them we have denotative, connotative and vocabulary item. The first one, denotative meaning that is the direct primary meaning or the exact meaning e.g. the definition of a tree in dictionaries. Second, connotative that refers to a word can be used in a figurative way or it can have an imaginative e.g. the tree of the life. Then, the third meaning is the vocabulary item which depends on the situation or context that is used. In this case, the meaning is defined to their form. It includes affixation. For instance, prefixes adding at the begging and suffix adding at the end to base words. Also includes, compounds which are words that come together to give a new meaning different as an individual word meaning e.g. bookshop. Furthermore, collocations are a group of words which frequency happen together e.g. arrive at. Additionally, include idioms, fixed expression because these sometimes can be changed, completely different than chunks, one piece of language with specific meaning. (Spratt, Pulverness,and, Williams,2011). The activity that I will apply is the use of flash cards in order to use affixation for explaining the meaning of the different words. To conclude, teachers need to know some teaching ideas about the importance of lexis in order to get student communicate in English in a fluent accurate and natural way.
(This video explains some ideas to teach lexis during the class.Also, the importance of this in the development of fluency and accuracy.)
ü Sprat, M. Pulverness, A. & Williams, M. (2011). The TKT course. Modules 1,2,3. Second Edition.
ü Scrivener, J. (2005). Learning teaching (p. 227). Macmillan Education.
ü Train Me To Teach (2016). YouTube. Retrieved 17 April 2018, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8K0qgnw4MPY
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